Friday, August 27, 2010

Smartphones for the "Not-So-Smart"

I was in NYC on Friday night, as I was waiting to meet up with someone I observed something. 9 out of 10 people who walked by me had their face buried in their phone. Walking with your head down is NEVER safe for many reasons! You can bump into someone and in NYC this is known as the most common form of pick pocketing...in that split second, which is awkward, because you and a stranger have violated each others space, you could lose your wallet. And what are you left with? Your phone. But chances are you wont even notice because youre so into the text, BBM, facebook notification or email you couldnt bare to ignore till you got home or to your destination. I have to admit I am an owner of a Blackberry and on many occasions you'll find my face buried in my phone. I do avoid walking and/or driving and texting.

So as I stood there waiting for my friend, shaking my head at the Smartphone Zombies, I noticed something else...Blackberry and iPhones have definitely become all the rage. With the exception of the Droid, Blackberry and iPhones are an either or. You either have a Blackberry or an iPhone. I would love to see a consumer report for all other phones. Im sure their numbers have dropped considerably. These phones have become a way of life, a way of "staying connected". Ive considered patenting a velcro band for the palm of the hand where you can have your phone "on hand" at all times. It would be something like the arm band for the ipod. But then I realized Im thinking in the way of the Zombie. LOL!

Before writing this blog, I googled "Blackberry vs. iPhone" and the comparisons according to socio-economics were amusing. I read an article stating iPhone users have more sex than Blackberry owners and there was a statistical excel chart to prove it. The 3 phones compared were the Android, Blackberry and iPhone. Although it wasnt a landslide win, iPhone users had the most sexual partners by the age of 30. So basically iPhone users are free lovin' hippies who keep up their mojo by sipping on Starbucks and eating CLIF bars?! I am not bias because I am a Blackberry owner, because I do have an iTouch. I know to most iPhone users, the iTouch can not even hold an iTorch to the iPhone but to me its the same difference. With the exception of no camera or phone service, I have access to most apps and wifi. I am addicted to Words with Friends and I fiddle with photo shop. An ingenious device but I find Blackberry more user friendly.

Was this worth blogging about? Absolutely not but blogging is thinking aloud and this just happened to be what I was thinking about. Se la vi.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Thirty something...

There is something about being in my thirties that puts me in a comfort zone. For the  first time in my life I am comfortable in my own skin...its definitely something that comes with age. My teens sucked...I was so awkward and angry. Awkward because I had all the normal insecurities that come with being a teenager and also because I moved more than a fugitive. Angry because I was a product of divorce, home life wasn't a Oprah show topic but it wasn't a Christmas special either. My early years weren't stable...my mom had a knack for "relocating" and I made cameos in public schools statewide. My point is moving around so much caused me to become detached, a social misfit if you will. We finally set anchor in a small town in Long Island where I was able to establish friendships and relationships. For the first time in my life, I felt like I belonged to something...so much so, my social life came before anything, even school. I had the potential but I lacked the enthusiasm. I graduated by the skin of my teeth or the grace of God. My early twenties repeated my earlier years and I floated around like a zombie.I have to say I didn't "find"  myself till I was about 27. Better late than never!! At 27 I finally got a sense of self. I was living on my own in my purchased one bedroom coop in the chic neighborhood of Astoria, Queens. I enjoyed myself for a good 4 yrs before I unexpectedly became smitten by my husband and his old school charm. Being married nearly 3yrs with a 2yr old little girl and trying for our second (fun! fun!) puts life into perspective. My husband and my child are my most prized possessions. They are my biggest assets. Life to me isn't measured by what you have achieved scholarly or what you possess materialistically. If you have family and love then you've got it all! All my life Ive tried to achieve things for the sake of saying "I did that!" but in the end, on your tombstone its not going to list all your achievements and possessions, it will say your name, how long your stay on this earth was and who loves and will miss you. My point is at the end of the day, family is whats important. I thank God for blessing me with a wonderful man who is as good a husband as he is a father, and a little girl who came into this world all of a sudden but pulled through and amazes me everyday! Life definitely is a beautiful struggle and for some it may not even be so pretty but we only get one chance on this earth...make the most out of it. I have lived my life and at the age of 34 I'm still living it. My cup isn't full but Im no longer thirsty.

Monday, August 9, 2010


1. JOHN LENNONS KILLER UP FOR PAROLE AGAIN IN NY- ok so this Mark David Chapman dude guns down one of the Beatles on a street in NY in 1980, gets 20 yrs to life and is up for parole. There must be some degree of pure insanity in which this man feels he will be able to live out of prison. Dear Attica Officials, please release Mr. Chapman so the people of NY can rip his arm off and beat him with it. Sincerely, Imagine  All the People who would actually do it.


3. MAYOR BLOOMBERG TO MOSQUE FOES "U OUTTA BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELVES!" - umm are we projecting Mikey?! You're not even worth the $1 salary you make as Mayor.

4. MOSQUE USED BY 9/11 ATTACKERS SHUT DOWN!: but building one at the scene of the crime is ok??

5. LADY GAGA EARNS "BEST DRESSED" SPOT IN VANITY FAIR - errrrrr original & creative maybe but "Best Dressed"???? I hardly think wearing a gutted pelican as a hat is best dressed worthy. I guess when it comes to Gagas choice in fashion, I'm more conservative.

much more on my list but life awaits me...till next time.


Does anyone know when, why, how this Vampire/Werewolf craze began?? I'm assuming  when Twilight by Stephenie Meyer first hit the shelves in 2005. Its five years later and we are still obsessing over these supernatural creatures. I have to say I'm not a big Twilight fan myself. I find the whole series to be sophomoric but I am also bias because I am a True Blood fan. 

True Blood, the HBO original series by Alan Ball is based off the "Sookie Stackhouse" series books by Charlaine Harris. Like Twilight, there is a love affair between mortal & immortal but theres is more to the series than teenagers, vampire/werewolf alike, forming an alliance to save one girl. True Blood has an array of supernatural creatures from vampire to werewolf to shape shifters to fairies.The only class that has revealed its existence to the human world are the vampires. The other supes stand back and observe how the great revelation for the vampires works out while the human world is suspicious as to what else goes "bump in the night". True Blood is definitely not for the queasy. There are fangs, lots o' blood, torn limbs and SEX SEX SEX!! You know, what vampires are usually known for.

Twilight gears toward the younger generation, ( the same crowd who runs to see High School Musical and knows Miley Cyrus's every move) theres is minimal blood shed and I have yet to see fangs. The werewolves are oversized, CG creations that sort of remind me of "the nothing" from The Never Ending Story. The irony is that should have been Twilights title. Of course, there is eye candy like Teenwolf Jacob, played by actor Taylor Lautner who made the movie tolerable. This kid definitely is a "heart throb", from his washboard abs to his bedroom eyes. As for Edward, (the vampire and love of the main character and narrator Bella)...why does he look like he needs Mylanta in between takes? He looks constipated.

 I apologize to the Twilight fans for this bias blog but Ive been less than impressed with this series. I don't get what all the fuss was about. Yet I still anticipate the release of the next film in the series. In hopes that actress Kristin Stewart took acting lessons that makes her scenes believable and not make me wish she was beheaded and ripped to shreds by Victoria in the last film. Not nice but its my blog and I can blog if I want to. 

I will say I have begun the first book in the series, Twilight. Lets see if its just a case of horrible casting.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

The Social Network Snob

You know what I dont get? The "Social Network Snob". This person/s is the one who will always call you out on how often youre on said network, how often you post and how annoying it is and/or always have some sarcastic "laugh at your expense" response to some or all of your postings. This is the person that says "theyre hardly ever on" but theyre the first to comment, look at your pics and scan your page like an FBI agent. If youre this person who doesnt like to be defined as "mainstream" then dont join these networks. Im a frequent poster...my Blackberry is definitely linked to my Facebook and 9 times out of 10 I will respond to your comment within 2.5 seconds...if this offends you or troubles your day...therapy is in order...youre definitely harboring serious issues.